Hiking and trekking tours

The most amazing journeys in our lives are those in which we were able to capture the spirit and feel the soul of the cities and countries visited. And the best way to feel the atmosphere and feel all the charm of a new and still unfamiliar culture is to go through a hundred new roads.

We are happy to organize for you the most interesting hikes and hiking tours in Armenia. Everything that you want to see, touch with your hands and go through on your own – all this will become possible and accessible with our help!

Lastiver is one of the most fabulous places in Armenia. A noisy mountain river with a waterfall, wooden huts from a fairy tale and ancient caves with rock paintings – here you will feel a spiritual catharsis. And for lovers of physical activity, we offer climbing to the highest point of modern Armenia – Mount Aragats (4090 m), the mystical extinct volcano Azhdahak (3597 m), and the majestic Khustup (3206). Those who prefer not difficult hikes – walks in the Dilijan National Park and Khosrov Reserve.

Tours in Armenia will turn into an amazing walk with unforgettable impressions that you will remember for a lifetime!